Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How To pick A Worthy CS Research Topic In 10 Seconds !!

Computer Science is facing a major roadblock to further research. The problem is most evident with students, but afflicts many researchers as well: people simply have a tough time inventing research topics that sound sufficiently profound and exciting. Many PhD students waste needless years simply coming up with a thesis topic. And researchers often resort to reading documents from government grant agencies so they will know what to work on for the next proposal!

Good news for the CS community: the problem has at last been solved. The table below provides the answer.

Column 1                 Column 2                            Column 3

integrated               mobile                                 network
parallel                     functional                           preprocessor
virtual                      programmable                    compiler
interactive               distributed                          system
responsive               logical                                   interface
synchronized          digital                                    protocol
balanced                  concurrent                           architecture
virtual                     knowledge-based                 database
meta-level              multimedia                           algorithm
optimized                binary                                   toolkit
active                       object-oriented                   display
parameterized        secure                                   technology
conceptual               high-speed                           solution
scalable                    real-time                              language
dynamic                   functional                             agent
high-level                parallelizing                          theorem prover
collaborative           watermarking                      work cluster
type-safe                 proxy                                     cache

To generate a technical phrase, randomly choose one item from each column. For example, selecting synchronized from column 1, secure from column 2, and protocol from column 3 produces:

A synchronized secure protocol

Best of all, two phrases can be combined with simple connectives, making the result suitable for the most demanding use. Possible connectives include:

related to
derived from
applied to
embedded in

For example, one could generate a thesis title by selecting a second phrase and a connective:

A synchronized secure protocol for an interactive knowledge-based system

The technique described here for selecting a research topic is far superior to the method currently in use because it can be automated -- a computer program can be written to select a phrase at random whenever one is needed. Furthermore, thanks to an enchancement by Ian Stark at The University of Edinburgh in Scotland, it is possible to automate an additional step in the research process by performing an automated literature search. Try the system by first generating a random topic and then performing an automated literature search.

This article's original location :
Follow the above link for a JScript implementation.
The above mentioned page is maintained by his highness - Douglas E Comer :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A psycho-analysis of spiders on crack.

Starts off in the lines of a standard wildlife documentary .. turns out to be more interesting than those ;)